Carb choke plate mystery

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Carb choke plate mystery

Post by og »

I hope some can explain to me what is going on. My front carb started squirting fuel from the choke plate cover when choke cable is pulled all the way. I figured time to rebuild the other half
of the carbs. Pulled them out, busted gasket is visible, no big deal. Pulled them both out and opened first one. The one which came with my Swiss pinz is on the right. Choke plate has three huge holes. The one on the left is my spare carb from Balkans, Yugo military Pinz. I have noticed some small differences in jet sizes (air correction jets), Yugo Pinz carb has small idle screws, but otherwise both carbs are NDIX36 and from outside visually identical. As you can see the Yugo Pinz carb came with a plate which has many small holes. I cannot explain why such large difference? What kind of choke plate do your carbs have? I presume majority of people on a forum have Swiss pinzies. My choke has been behaving quite strange from the day one. It was almost on/off. The range of the choke cable pull where I could regulate the RPMs was quite small, maybe on the order of 3/16". One look on the mega-holes on a plate explains perhaps why is that happening. Is that normal choke operation for Swiss pinzies? The parts manual, indicates that both plates are used, but small-hole plate is marked "not for these models". "These" meaning Austrian or maybe Swiss?
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Jim LaGuardia
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Re: Carb choke plate mystery

Post by Jim LaGuardia »

Depending on application there are 2 choke plate types(Must be same type on both carbs to work correctly) and 2 jetting options.
See page 71 of service manual for proper jetting application chart
Cheers, Jim LaGuardia
"Arch Magus of Machines."
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