SAV tach

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SAV tach

Post by rollingpinz »


I’m installing a tach from SAV. Everything seems to be going into place nicely, but I don’t know where to connect the black wire. It says to “Hook up black wire to ignition ON power.” I assume this is on the ignition switch, but how do identify the correct terminal?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: SAV tach

Post by rmel »

Not universally, but Black (or Green) is typically ground not power.
I think these Tach's are three terminals, Pwr(+), Gnd(-) and Sense
(typically a yellow wire).

But...if your looking for switched 24V that would be circuit breaker #10
might be challenging adding but yet another line of that breaker.

An alternative would be terminal #15 on the Ignition switch. You
should add a in-line fuse if you tap there as there is no protection,
it's before the breakers. Otherwise a short will smoke that line.
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Re: SAV tach

Post by rollingpinz »


I was looking at schematic and saw terminal 15. It took me forever to find it. The sun was coming in through the windshield. I had my readers and a magnifying lens. Damn these older eyes.
Anyway, I checked it with my volt meter. 24 when switched on and nothing when switched off.
So. What size fuse do you recommend?
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Re: SAV tach

Post by rmel »

5 to 10amp fuse.
Puller: 71' 710K 2.7L EFI aka Mozo
Follower: Sankey MK 3, 3/4 Tonne
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