There are three lines that run from the bottom of the air tunnel, under
and between the front diff and bottom of engine, then along the tube to
the end points of the 4x4, rear locker, and rear Brakes.
The PIX below is the Brake line, which apparently was rubbing up against the
Engine and eventually wore thin enough to burst. You can see the burst along
the lengthwise direction.
This is the 2'nd time this has happened

was with the 4x4 locker line. This was several years ago before affordable
Inspection cameras were available e.g. from Harbor Freight -- you just can't see in this
area W/O one unless you pull the engine

My hunch is someone before me did some work in this area and messed it up, so if
you have lines that have not been tampered with you might be fine -- but if you have
a camera you may want to peek in there and make sure.
Dono what's worse loosing lockers on a challenging trail or your rear brakes