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volvo c303 4x4 Drivers Cabin

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:34 pm
by michael mcauliffe
Hi Folks

I'm just wondering whether you can still get the Driver Cabin sections for the Volvo C303's ?

I'm on the lookout for the Drivers Cabin section, mine is a cab chassis and there is a bit of rust on it. It was sitting near a coastal town and I'm just trying to see if it's worth fixing the existing one versus getting one shipped from overseas. It wouldn't have to be in perfect condition. But the less time spent fixing the better.

Does anyone know if the drivers cabin sections are still available ?

The company i work for uses Sea freight to ship our products, so getting to OZ shouldn't be a problem.

BTW : I live in Australia



Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:50 am
by alanh
I doubt there is anything available new. All I can suggest is post to the various Volvo forums (Yahoo, Difflock, and there are at least a couple of European forums) and ask if someone has one from a truck they're parting out. There are some Swedish dealers that have been mentioned in the past, but I don't have links or names off the top of my head.

Depending on what you mean by "bit of rust", you may end up welding in new sheet metal sections. That doesn't seem totally out of the question since most of it is various flat sections. If you've got to pay someone to do it, I guess it would depend how deep your pockets are. I've seen some videos of some pretty amazing (at least to me) sheet metal restoration work done by experts.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:49 am
by michael mcauliffe
Thanks alanh

I have a brother in law who is a panel beater and spray painter, so my first option is him. I'll get his "expert" opinion and take it from there.

If i throw a couple of hundred dollars his way, i think it might do the trick.

thanks for the advice and tips.

