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Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:51 pm
by VinceAtReal4x4s

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:23 am
by Haf-e
Says for "off road use only"....

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:15 am
by krick3tt
also says you can't even drive most of them they are so bad off.

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:42 am
by GenevaPinz
The website mentions payment terms for "international buyers", but I would assume there are export restrictions on these, right? This is just out of curiosity by the way...

I guess this is good news for the firefighters (referring to an earlier thread).

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:48 am
by undysworld
It'll be interesting to see what sort of documentation these are sold with, ie. SF-97 or Bill of Sale only. Regardless, some states allow them to be registered, and some allow bonding for title. I bet some will hit the streets despite the "off road use only" designation.

More curiously, I wonder how long they will be sold. They did it once before and then stopped.

FWIW: A friend of mine has both Humvees and Pinzgauers and claims to prefer the Pinz due to it's narrower width.

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:13 pm
by dadnova
Read the story in the news, so our Gov. wants to sell us a car we CANNOT use, good only if trailer-ed to an off road site.
Sounds like our Gov.

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:16 pm
by Jimm391730
More curiously, I wonder how long they will be sold. They did it once before and then stopped.
If I heard correctly, AM General put a clause in their sales contract to ensure that Hummers were not able to be sold to the public -- probably to prevent competition with their Civilian Hummer sales. Now that they have stopped civi production they may have relaxed that clause, or perhaps it expired. When I bought my first Pinz in 2001, there were a few dozen Mil Hummers that were available for sale through some sort of loophole, but they wanted $25K for the base Mil Hummer; doors, roof, and seats were extra (to the tune of about an additional $5k!). At the time I was lusting after a Hummer, but once I found Pinzis for less than half the price and similar (but different) performance I became a true convert and I no longer have the Hummer bug.

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:31 am
by stiffler4444
I'd love one, of course, one that works. Looks like there are some deals there if they stay in the sane range. But of course, you have to live with no title and you can't export...... :?

Re: Looks like you can now buy a US Mil. Hummer!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:51 am
by crcpinz
There are a few here in Costa Rica. Besides the enormous width, which makes them impractical, they are severely underpowered for the mud due to their tremendous weight. I guess they were designed for the desert.