Delays in Pinz EFI development and production

Old forum posts ending on Oct 21 '09

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Delays in Pinz EFI development and production


But they won't be severe...

We have had an incredibly warm Winter here. Its generally much colder in my area. Thus far we have only been able to set 5 of the 25 cold start values that I needed to complete that portion of the MAP for the systems. We also still have to do the cold higher elevation testing in cold temperatures to finish up the testing and the weather is not helping with that either..

Another issue that I am working hard to overcome is with the fabricator of the intake plenums. He has been a member of our network for 3 years but recently accepted a job with Penske to work in the IRL and ALMS series cars, so he is closing up shop to go make some real money. This isn't that big of a deal, sibnce the prototypes were done and already designed in solid works, we just have to find another fabricator that can do as good of a job as we expect. I recently changed the plenum in an effort to make the kit simpler by keeping intake manifold mods out of the kit install, this also created some tuning issues that are taking time to work out.

Since June I have been working toward a late February release date for the kits, but its very clear that this is not going to happen. After over a solid year of my "Extra" time being taken up by this development I want it to be over as much as all of you nwant to have the kits installed!!
BUT I refuse to cut corners or half ass anything to meet a deadline..

Late Spring 2007 is now the new goal, we may be finished before this IF the weather works with us, January should be our coldest month. I do have a test system in the hands of a customer in Utah so between the two of us hopefully we can get the cold start and higher elevation MAPS completed ahead of schedule...

There is the update..

BTW- My Pinz is now averaging 18 MPG with 20 MPG peak if I keep it below 100 Km/H :-)
Jake Raby
Owner, Raby's Aircooled Technology
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Post by EvanH »


Another milestone to post - when you break $2.50/hr payback on your development time! :D

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Post by AK NIMROD »

looking foreward to kits coming out.
if you need some real cold weather testing i'm sure my son the machinic would love to use my pinz and help...... was-46 here at work 3 days ago warmed up to almost shirt sleeve weather now....-16
we should be getting our -20 to -25 weather at the house very soon about 1000 foot elevation is only close altitude on road system and 1/2 ( 2 days in the pinz) to anything much higher.
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Trust me, I have lost my ass on the development time- thank god I have a good accountant! I love the Pinz and pretty much any other aircooled vehicle, so thats where the drive comes from to make things as modern as possible..

The person I set up with a test system knows the base electronics of my EFI arrangement as well as I do, thats the only reason I chose him to be an assistant- other people would probably just have wasted both our time and became very confused..
Jake Raby
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Post by Boelt63A »

Jake, I know I just bought in on the EFI system, but believe me with the problems I have had with my carbs over the last six months waiting another three months or so isn't that bad. I want this system to work flawlessly. I have visions of driving this truck all over the place as a nearly daily driver.


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I'm glad to see that most guys are more concerned with me making this arrangement as proven as possible, not getting it done yesterday...

There is a learning curve associated with EFI and thats something that some people will have more trouble with, than others....

I'll continue doing my best!
Jake Raby
Owner, Raby's Aircooled Technology
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Good things come in their own time

Post by Mr. Magoo »

No problem here waiting for a fully finessed product to show up at my door.

I am confident you will deliver this kit as a ready to use system, with only minor adjustments needed for end user location.

Keep up the good work!
Gary Burt
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Post by Charles »

Yup... "get er' done--- right the first time"...

Especially interested in the cold weather numbers being correct, so take your time.

PS: Do you have your blog/bBoard set up for those of us who put our monies down?

Best Regards,
('73 710K)
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Post by Kiwibru »

Charles, I asked Jake a similar question via PM and he said we could register but he would not turn up that particular area until the units had shipped and we could all jump in for Q & A.
Should be good to go then! I for one am also happy to wait for more development and don't want a Beta product to test. Plug, in, wire, adapt and drive!
1975 710M
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Post by AK NIMROD »

Jake , i'm new pinzgauer owner < 3 MONTHS and it has been home in Alaska only a month. think i made #15 on the list today. you being satisfied with it when it goes out is most important as it will save us all headaches in the long run. KEEP UP THE GREAT JOB !
wish you were here.......lows are going to be -10 to -15 :D 8) :lol: for the next 4-5 days at least. was -40 at work when i left two days ago and windchill -64 to -81.
thanx for your hard work on this project

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Post by EvanH »


With temperatures like that, you don't need EFI - you need a plane ticket to Bermuda....

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Post by AK NIMROD »

just glad my job is indoors cold enough for me here at home....800 miles south. next month will be a trip to California to see family and maybe HI in March for business and pleasure :-).