Folding Screen

Old forum posts ending on Oct 21 '09

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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Folding Screen

Post by SAM. C. »

Hi All

I have a 1975 710M. One of the Radio Truck types with the tube holders on the front like in the picture on the top left. I have just taken all of the canvas off and folded the screen down (I think this was probably the first time this has ever been done). I had to remove the tube mounts to do this but there is no proper resting place for the screen. It just rests on the protector bars for the headlights. There is also no way of securing it down either. I think this may be due to the fact that it was a radio vehicle.

Can any one tell me what the folding screen rests on, and how it is secured on their vehicles?


Jim LaGuardia
United States of America
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Post by Jim LaGuardia »

Look further down the list in this section, I posted pics under"windshield brackets??"
Cheers, Jim LaGuardia
"Arch Magus of Machines."