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OAUSA Indian Country Trip - April 22 - May 2/3

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:49 am
by Bruce Berger
One of the members of Outdoor Adventure USA is sponsoring an expedition style trip through the Indian country of Arizona and New Mexico April 22nd through May 2/3. The trip is limited to 8 vehicles. There is one slot left. I know there are folks on this list who like these types of trips so I thought I cross post the announcement to help fill the last slot.

Here is the link for the trip details and sign up -

Here is the link to the main OAUSA web site if you want to find out more about this group -

Outdoor Adventure USA, LLC, was originally created by “off-roading” enthusiasts who also happened to be licensed Amateur Radio operators (or Ham radio). We discovered that safely enjoying outdoor adventures, (while using a vehicle), seemed to be a perfect marriage with Amateur Radio. For a host of reasons, Ham radio is an indispensable part of enjoying the outdoors, especially in the more remote areas where this adventure is sometimes the best.

You don't need to be a ham radio operator to sign up for the trip. Ham radio will be used for the trip communications and we'll make sure any non-hams have a radio so they can listen in for directions and the narration of the Navajo guide during the back country portions of the trip on the Navajo reservation.

If you are interested in the trip please sign up through the OAUSA web site.