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Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:37 pm
by David Dunn
At a ripe young age ( I'm just ripe now), The Thunderbirds impressed me with the logistics of using a single platform for multiple applications . that concept has carried over to the design and functionality of my service trucks and projects.....and a bit of insanity has helped. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:48 pm
by milesdzyn
No wonder this forum is such a good source of information. I never knew there were so many old farts here. :D I don't remember half these shows and I'm 43 :shock: Of course we didn't have TV in Inchon S. Korea.


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:56 pm
by PinzEOD
milesdzyn wrote:No wonder this forum is such a good source of information. I never knew there were so many old farts here. :D I don't remember half these shows and I'm 43 :shock: Of course we didn't have TV in Inchon S. Korea.

Oh I remeber watching Kojak overdubbed in Korea-speak...scary thing was..I think I knew EXACTLY what was going on....ohhhhhhh those Soju nights....and those soft warm.............

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:04 am
by David Dunn
Lot of these were before your time, ya kid. :wink:

How about My Favorite Martian , Leave it to Beaver, My Three Sons,
It's about Time ,

And of course, Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:34 am
by Profpinz
Can't forget Dr Who either!
I understood from a US Pinny owner that you guys didn't get the original British 1960's - 70's "Dr Who" series!
Did you?

In that case, what famous small 4X4 vehicle once played a role in one of the series? :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:04 am
by Jimm391730
Stingray, Space Ghost, Harold Lloyd (but only in reruns - I'm not that old!), Roger Ramjet, Dick Dasterdly... on and on...

Jim M.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:15 am
by Lightningpinz
In the middle of the Us we didn't get Dr who until reruns in the 70's on Public Broadcasting. Then we went thru 2 characters of the doctor. WHO were they. bad pun :oops: My favorite was the first Dr.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:44 pm
by Maddog
Hey David,

My Dad bought us a new color tv in 1967 just before he went to Vietnam for a little R&R. We were the only people in our neighborhood at Fort Bragg to have one at that time and all the neighbors would come over to watch it. I have vivid memories of the announcement when Bonanza and the Flintstones converted to color. It was a huge deal at the time and we had a huge party to watch it. Up until these shows, there were only a few commercials in color. But then again, these are the memories of a self proclaimed old fart in the making.

Anybody remember when they announced Wilma was pregnant and there was a national contest to eventually name "Pebbles"?? (IE: Flintstones)

How about Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Time Tunnel, and The Land Before Time.

The show with the dogs was "Dasterdly and Muttley". They were inspired by the movie "The Great Race". They had a follow on show with bizzare airplanes. Muttley had that silly giggle/ laugh. Then there was Dudley Do Right with the Royal Candanian Mounties.

I watched Dr. Who in the seventies and loved it. I really like the latest incarnantion of Dr. Who. I didn't think it would be possibly to be as good as the original, but it's great. His new assistant is really hawwwwwwwt!!!!

Almost toothless old maddog

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:49 pm
by MarkPinz
OK I'll throw a couple weird ones at ya, "Andy's Gang" (host Andy Devine) & "Diver Dan". We lived in New York late 50's early 60's.

No wonder I had nightmares watching Andy's Gang with a live cat & mouse playing instruments tied to them. They would show a series filmed in supposedly India with white actors in dark face make up. They would shoot big game with one episode dropping giant fruit bats.

Diver Dan was cool especially miss Minerva the blonde mermaid. My favorite character was a trigger fish with a perpetual cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
Kid's have pretty mundane things to watch in comparison today :wink:

O forgot Clutch Cargo & paddle foot.....Image

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:08 pm
by Lightningpinz
remember the movie with Andy Devine as the Pilot with the cowboy hat and what did he do in the end of the movie?

Of course Dennis loves to talk about Sabrina. She was apparantly the UK version of Marilyn Monroe. A web search pulls up some funny clips of audio regarding Sabrina.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:53 pm
by lindenengineering
Hey John
Struth Sabrina I had forgotten about her!
As a lurid teen I remember the big bazumbas poses in the press and the fact that she came from a town not thirty miles from where I lived. Swindon, now famous for a big Honda plant.

Even funnier was at school studying the Roman occupation of Britain the River Severn was called Sabrina. Every time the professor mention the word we often emulated the "bazumba pose". One boy got thrown out of class for going a bit too far.

As a foot note for Peter a question? What was that car featured in the early programs of Dr Who, was it with John Pertwee?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:16 am
by PinzEOD
Lightningpinz wrote:remember the movie with Andy Devine as the Pilot with the cowboy hat and what did he do in the end of the movie?
The only fella that comes to mind for me is Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb. He was the cowboy wearing B-52 pilot who straddled the nuke as it dropped like some sort of high tech bucking bronc. YeeeeeHaaaaa. James Earl Jones was on the flightcrew as well.
Speaking of Slim Pickens, there was a classic Bonanza episode on this week where he guest starred as a sheriff. Poor Candy was set-up as a card cheat and the word was out that the Cartwright's were broke. I sure like the subtle ways of those old shows vs the in-your-face style of today's stuff. Do I really need to SEE what 2 weeks in the desert does to a corpse?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:21 pm
by Ghostbear
In bringing up the Thunderbirds, you cant forget Captain Scarlett...

Space Patrol or the real action Batman...

For the bit more obscure... Underdog, Atom Ant, Cool McCool and Secret Squirrel

But, nobody brought up Sealab 2020, The Monkees, Scooby Doo, Smokey the Bear or the Cattanooga Cats.

And lets not forget the very politically incorrect Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour

But I agree you had to love Rat Patrol, I stayed up late for that one. They still have the Combat replaying on one of the 'old timer' networks late at night. I'll see if I can find it in the listings.

Found it...

American Life Network:

They are running many of the Baby Boomer shows. And they are proud to be Baby Boomer TV.
Some of the lineup is:

I Spy
Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Girl from U.N.C.L.E.
China Beach
Surfside 6
Kung Fu
Crime Story
Chico and the Man
F Troop
My Favorite MArtian
Welcome Back Kotter
The Dr. Bob Show
Hawaiian Eye
Harry O
I'll Fly Away

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:58 pm
by Profpinz
G'Day Dennis,
As a foot note for Peter a question? What was that car featured in the early programs of Dr Who, was it with John Pertwee?
Do you mean his replica vintage car he used to drive around in?...... that looked something like an old 1905 Fiat or Humber!
John Pertwee also had a custom car made that looked a bit like a spaceship, but was I believe, Hillman Imp powered. While he used to drive it to shows, promotions, interviews etc I don't recall if it was ever used in the series.

BTW.....Here's a grab of the Dr and the Master in that famous 4X4 :P


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:48 pm
by lindenengineering
Hey Peter 'ol mate.
Thanks for posting the Haffy with the "bazumbas". Struth mate that took me back some years.

I believe the car he used was a Humber, and the Imp by the way at the time was the alternative to the Mini and very popular. Even the local fuzz in our town had black 'n white Imps "trying" to stop us Mini Maniacs.

Obviously it was no contest against a Trumpets, Norts, & Beezers.