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Pinz/Haf clinic in Arcadia

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:16 pm
by David Dunn
For those interested, Jim and I will hold a Pinz / Haffy clinic at my shop in Arcadia. The date is open at this point, so any suggested dates are welcome, and we will see what works the best.

Same as last time, post any requests for topics. If nothing else, come by and meet other Pinzers and see what mods others have done.

Dave Dunn

PS Hey Peter, seal your doors and tailgate, add a sail and head on up. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:25 pm
by Profpinz
G'Day Dave,
PS Hey Peter, seal your doors and tailgate, add a sail and head on up.
Sounds like a great idea / day Dave.....I only wish I could make it! :D

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:15 am
by Jim LaGuardia
Perhaps you could "cyber" attend via web cam :idea:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 12:37 am
by Profpinz
Perhaps you could "cyber" attend via web cam
Excellent idea Jim.......I'II be in it if you guys (and of course Dave who is running the event) are willing.
I guess with our time differences things may be slightly out of whack, but I'm willing to give up a nights sleep for my American friends and fellow SDP vehicle enthusiasts.

For years now Malcom Gillott (Haffy and Pinny owner in the UK) and I have had a weekly Netmeeting to discuss various Haflinger and Pinzgauer things and other important items like the weather and why our various countries chocolate taste slightly different :roll:
You'd be surprised how many Pinny parts I've held up (and visa versa) in front of the camera so we can discuss mods, repairs etc.

Let me know if the idea is "acceptable" that end and if so, I'II polish the camera lens :D

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:57 am
by David Dunn
Howdy Peter
I'm all for the web conferencing! :D , but you and Jim will need to work out the details.... I'm not running anything here, just providing 4 walls and a parking lot for people to get together and share info and learn something.... and put a face with the posters..... I doubt anyone thinks I really look like this:
But , you and Jim know better, other than I rarely smile.

I am also planning to show the SDP Pinzgauer tape, and the ATL UK Pinz DVD..... plus your DVDs from down under showing how to make an air spring from a tree stump for a Disco! :shock: :lol:

I'd like to post a date for this clinic by next Sunday, for sometime in June up through possibly the 2nd weekend in July.

Dave Dunn

pinz clinic

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 7:20 pm
by krick3tt
I would really like to join up for a get together. I am in San Diego.
I rode with Dave at Calico and shortly after that got my pinz from Scott at EI. If it is a weekend thing it would be great. I could always use pointers on the workings of the pinz. When you pick a date, please let me know.

Morris 710M

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:07 pm
by MarkPinz
Planning on attending as well Dave. Your timing sounds great with my current work Schedule, have to do some OT here till second week of June.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:49 pm
by David Dunn
Tentative date. Saturday June 3rd.
With the end of the school year for some families, and a week after the Memorial Day weekend, the consensus was this might be a "open" weekend. An alternative date can be done , if submitted by enough people. Heck, I'd do a Monday if you want to rally for Pinzgauer Importation Reform. :wink:

Hope this can fit into everyone's schedule.

Mark, tell your bosses you have a seminar that weekend.

Dave Dunn

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 1:38 am
by David Dunn
A reminder that the clinic will be 2 weeks from this Saturday,on June 3rd, from 9:00AM to ?

Post any request for anything you'd like Jim to look at or discuss ( I'm quick to donate Jim's time, he'll work for coffee. :wink: )

There may also be a Mog or 2.... I am hoping a 1250 Doka may be there.

The location:
DSD Glass
4173 E. Live Oak Ave ( northwest corner 10th Ave, 2 miles west of the 605 freeway) enter parking lot off 10th Ave
Arcadia, CA

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:55 am
by Ugo
Uh, could I only attend ...
Will add a pair of wings and a propeller to my Pinz and try to cross the pond !!!

Torino, Italy

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 1:30 pm
by justfred
I would love to attend as well. It's on my calendar.

If I get my registration, maybe there will be a Haflinger there!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:39 pm
by HafWit
I'd be there myself with my two Haffies if I weren't leaving the same day on a trip. I might have some Haflinger parts I could make available if people let me know what they are looking for.


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:24 pm
by justfred
HafWit wrote:I'd be there myself with my two Haffies if I weren't leaving the same day on a trip. I might have some Haflinger parts I could make available if people let me know what they are looking for.

All I know I need is a military (swiss, if it matters) ignition switch.

But if you have other parts, I may be interested at some point!

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:19 am
by HafWit
Sorry, but I don't have a Swiss ignition switch. I have not yet done an inventory, but when I get the chance I'll let everyone know what I have available.


Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:12 pm
by David Dunn
A reminder this Saturday is it. :D

Bring any parts that you want to sell or trade off.
I also got several sets of tinted glasses in for the 710/12.

There will be a DVD showing from ATL, besides the old SDP movie ( if I can find it :wink: )

And around 2:00 in the afternoon, we'll have a video conference with Professor Pinz, waking him up Sunday morning.

Dave Dunn