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Any Middle TN people here?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:55 am
by tnronin
Hey guys, this is my fist post. I discovered the pinz on another site and was just blown away! This looks like a super solution that is both economical and fun.

Are there any people in the Nashville (I live in Cookeville acutally) area? I'll be in town (Nashville) for the W/E gunshow of 7/15-16, I would like to physically look at one of these cool vehicles. Please let me know and I'll meet up to take a look.

I gotta start selling crap for my fund. These are too cool!


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:17 pm
by Wayne Roberts
Tnronin, There is a dealer called Eurotruck Imoporters located outside of Atlanta. The owner is Sean Philyaw and he is a really nice guy. You can find him on the web. I bought my truck from him and he let me come on in and climb all over every truck that he had on the lot. It is not that far of a drive. The next closest dealer would be Willy at Swiss army Vehicles located in Fayettville AR. He is also on the web. He would have quite an assortment of vehicles to look at also. Sorry I do not know any private owners in the area. Good luck and welcome to the group.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:25 pm
by 2012
wayne -

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:14 pm
by tnronin
Wayne, thanks for the response! Ya, I've been all over their sites. LOL

I'm jonesing for one of these BIG time.

I would like to see one of these up close, and maybe ride in one. I am visualizing all kinds of stuff to do with this. I saw a picture of one of these compared to a landcruiser and I think this is not too large of a vehicle.

I want to use this as a hauler and a min-camper for my son and I on boyscout stuff.

I was given some great advise and things to look for on these vehicles so I'm looking forward to getting one eventually.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:45 pm
by Maddog

We just purchased 68 acres in Thompson Station, TN which is 15 miles south of Nashville. I will be building our new home there after we close on the property in mid August. It is my intent to leave my Pinz 712M/ Amb there once it is through being restored within the next 60 days to use in that gorgeous country while we are building. Email me and I will be glad to swap contact info with you. If it isn't inappropriate to discuss the shooting sports on this forum, I am a member of the Owl Creek Gun Club there also and you would be welcome to join us on our next outing. Hope to hear from you.


PS If you're a country music fan, Billy Ray Sirus(sp) are neighbors on one side and Tim McGraw/ Faith Hill are neighbors on the other side. Hopefully someday I will get to meet them!! I can't wait to get away from Amish country and crappy Indiana weather. Can I have an Amen brother!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:09 pm
by 2012
maddog - do you have any pix of your 712amb anywhere?


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:28 pm
by tnronin
I've lived all over the USA and by far, TN is God's country.

Maddog, that would be most excellent if we could get together. I'll shoot some email information. I'm an AR15 gunsmith, maybe we can do some shooting sometime.

Email getting sent.
