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My Pinz on MTV

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:19 pm
by Pinz Enthusiast
Went up to Big Bear Monday for a MTV shoot on Tuesday, for a show called Parental Control, My truck was used as the "Picture Car" and was to be driven by one of the "daters" date #2 or the afternoon date, well we got there and found out that the date that was supposed to drive was a short 21 year old female, well my first concern was could she reach the pedals, brake and clutch yes, gas no, oh well we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

So my job for the morning was to take this pretty young thing out into the forest and teach her how to drive a pinz in the dirt and rocks, monumental task you say, no not really she did fairly well with the seat moved up close and a foam block behind her backside, she did have to stretch her right foot out to reach the gas pedal though but she did good on the flats and minor inclines with lots of mud and rocks, so anyway we spent about an hour in the forest before I had to take the truck down to where date #1 was so I could get it rigged with cameras, Vince will appreciates this (2 icecube cams on suction cups inside on the windshield and a mini DVX mounted to the gunnel looking forward out the windshield, we also had another pinz with a 2 icecubes 1 under the front bumper looking forward and one on the side looking back and down at the left front wheel).

So we rigged and had lunch then on to Gold Mountain Jeep Trail over looking Baldwin Lake (most So. Cal. guys should know it) and a bit of set up and filming infront of the truck (Pictures below) and then on to the trails, We solved the gas pedal issue by taping a couple of wood wedge blocks to the gas pedal to help with her reach, she did a little driving but she could not keep it going much so I subituted on about 80% of the driving, the director actually put me in a jacket the same color as hers and a black winter scarf over my head to simulate her black hair and I did all the drive by shots and we swapped her in for in car shots and conversation,

Not sure how much will actually make it to air but we drove about 2 miles and climbed over 2000 feet and ended at the rock garden entrance which I drove into and turned around and back out, we finnished on the top and back down for finalizing the "date" where some crew had set up a pinic like setting for hot chocolate and conversation, good thing we were almost done as it was 4:30 pm and temps were down around 20 degrees, sorry I didnt get action shots as I was driving and I only got a few shots of filming action and crew, I will let you know when it will air on MTV though, untill then enjoy a few pics.





BTW Vince I wish I had got the heater installed before this as it was darn cold, I finally got some of the last parts in from ESPAR last month and just haven't had time to get with Jim L. to hook it up.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:15 am
by todds112
Ha Ha, my girlfriend in 5' tall. She has to sit on the the very edge of the seat at it's most forward position to push in the clutch. Even then she says she's using her tip-toes!

Too bad it's winter. A little topless action would be cool. The truck or the date. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:17 pm
by andy

That's really cool. No pun intended.


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:34 pm
by mjnims
Glad you had a good experience. Working with the film crews can be a challenge at times.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:00 pm
by mjnims
You did not give a heads up on your pinz. My daughter told me she saw a pinz on MTV today.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:16 pm
by Pinz Enthusiast

Didnt even know it was scheduled for today, they never notified us that it was edited for broadcast, same deal with the Battle Ground Earth stuff we did last spring with Tommy Lee and Ludacris on the Planet Green Channel, I personally was not involved in that shoot but we did provide transportation for cast and crew, I knew about it but found out when we caught it on TV a few weeks ago, I give them (MTV) a call and see where our dvd of the show is so I can post some of it.

Getting ready for Mogfest this week, just dropped my pinz off at Jim L.'s and taking the motorhome down wednesday should be fun, will get what I can when we get back home in a week or two.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:16 pm
by mjnims
busy time of year. We just had our maintenance day here getting ready for our treffen in a couple of weeks. Of course this weekend is opening duck so my pinzies won't see any rest until march.

When I did the Truck Universe thing they were supposed to send a dvd and let me know when it aired. Of course did not hear from them and had to call when the show had already been on the air. I finally gave up on the dvd but was able to Tivo the showing.

The write up in Peterson's 4 wheeler magazine got so many facts wrong and even though my 710 took 2nd in the event they did not publish a picture of it. Lots of pics of the jeeps which did not finish though.

Media types

still in all good exposure for the trucks I guess and I still won't say no if asked again.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:06 pm
by Pinz Enthusiast
Well, my partner has told me he finally got the dvd from mtv, I will get it this weekend so I can copy and edit down suitable footage to post, (they wont let us post the whole episode) hopefully can have it up next week.