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Any differences between model years

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:36 pm
by BobbyD
I am located in SoCal and looking for a 710k. Are there any model differences between a '71, '72, ...'75 710k?

Thank you

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:44 pm
by ScottishPinz
If the 710k is ex-swiss army, no they were all the same.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:22 pm
by Jimm391730
There were some improvements made to components over the years of production (Execution I vs Execution II in the differentials, for example) but none are year specific; any improvements are backwards/forwards compatable. So there is never any year requirement on parts. You still only need specify the model (710 or 712) when ordering parts.

Scott, Jim L, and others in the know can tell you which components have had improvements over the years and it is usually beneficial to get the improved parts when doing repairs but I wouldn't worry about what individual parts are in any particular truck. Deal with improved components when/if you need to do repairs.

And unlike most vehicles, there is no difference in value between '71 to '74 vehicles (since they all are exempt from CA smog testing). '75 is an iffy year (avoid if at all possible), avoid '76 or newer like the plague!

Jim M.
'74 710M and '75 712W

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:35 pm
by edzz
What part of SoCal?


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:51 pm
by BobbyD
The Carlsbad/San Diego part of SoCal

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:49 pm
by ccalingaert
You might want to get in touch with Michael or Jim at Ramona Motors ( They are in your neck of the woods and can probably set you up with a Pinzgauer.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:11 pm
by lindenengineering
Off the top of my head, the real things that are apparent after 1974 were a change in the steering wheel form (Bar spoke to moulded square section).
Seat cushion change, somewhere in build production came finning on the crancase, changes to the pushrod seal location. carburetor sealing on spindles and use of steel instead of brass. Then tamperproof idle mixture screws and carb throttle linkage changes (lever arms etc).
Some where in '75 came vacuum operated air intake flapper/damper control, all very subtle but noticeable changes.
All of these do not present too many problems unless you take State emissions into the mix/control and the "E" requirements where appropriate.

The big deals for us here in Colorado come to the fore with 1980 models where there is a drop in the max CO & HC requirements
4.50% CO and 1000 ppm HCs (was 6.00% and 1200ppm HC's)

Then the kicker--1981 on its really a no go!
The vehicle has to go to the State for a 4 gas E test on a rolling road! It must have a Cat and E control equipment that is Fed Approved. The 710m's can't "go there" since they are not Fed E approved. You also need a restriction flapper in the filler neck. (no big deal)
The 1981 712 can be fudged through on a higher limit due to its GVW weight, but if they "twig" the "HE" is an "HE" and not a Cat it's a failure!
In Colorado its best to stay away from 1980 and on Pinzgauers unless you live outside the E test mandate metro areas!!
I will mention this again (previous posts) since it is expected that Obama will sign some sort of Climate change/global warming E control treaty in Copenhagen this year.
This potentially has the mandate to restrict emission of the current US vehicle parc including the "oldies" like our Pinzgauers. Let's hope not but I am not holding my breath!
Cheers Dennis

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:09 pm
by Erik712m
About what year was the engine case changed?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:34 pm
by Jim LaGuardia
These are approximate dates that I have delt with. Mk1, smooth engine case(69-73), MK2, Rear of engine case is ribbed , forward section smooth(73-75), MK3, fully ribbed case(75-EOP).

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:37 pm
by lindenengineering
As far as I can tell its around 1973/74.
Of course due to fleet maintenance of the Swiss army fleet it is possible to see early and late crankcases in varying years; so its no indication of crankcase and year correlation of the truck.
(Again as far as I can tell!)


Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:59 pm
by krick3tt
I went from CA where I bought the pinz from EI and (Scott) had the registration done as part of the purchase to WA where there was only a weigh-in required to get title transferred.
Now in CO I had to take an emissions test to get the plates. Passed with no problems so I'm good till some bureaucrat changes the rules on me.

'73 710M

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:32 am
by BobbyD
To "ccalingaert"
I have talked with Mike at Ramona and his shop has none. He has been very helpful. EI had one but had already modified it into a 710s.

Re ribbed or finned engine cases...
Do I worry about that? Ribbed for...? (I can't go farther with that line...)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:35 am
by lindenengineering
Now for feared of being "Gore'd" to death I have to state here and now that I don't buy all this carbon footprint and trading "bollocks" . Yes we have a warming planet and I believe (my opinion) that we are in a warming cycle and no doubt we will go ino a cooling cycle after that!
Being a history buff it was clear from records that when the Normans invaded Britain in 1066 and wrote their Doomsday ledger in about 1080 (tax register hence Doomsday), monasteries were producing wines for taxation as far north as Scotland. (higher latitude than Labrador in Canada!)
Then we see a cooling cycle as one Charles Dickens wrote; that you could skate in the Thames in the early 19th century and it was so bloody cold that the river froze over!
Even Col Washington a while earlier, has his brass balls frozen off trying to cross the Delaware in what now is "nu joisey'!

The other day I was in the local Subaru dealers picking up some parts for an Outback when the counter staff teased me about all those polluting Landrovers I repair! I could tell the "Greenie Boulderites" at the retail counter were eager to listen to my retort!

Well guys its all hypocracy and we have gone no further than the 12th century and penitence.
Yah see in those more pious days we had to pay a penitence for our Godly sins. Today its not debauchery of virgin maidens , mass murder, or enslavery of your enemies but emitting carbon!
Let use one example.
One Henry the Second the first Angevin king basically said an off -hand remark which in turn caused his Courtiers to beat a path to Canterbury Cathedral and bash the Archbishop's head in in the steps of the alter!
Pope Alexander the 3rd cannonised the poor unfortunate Thomas a Becket and he became a saint!
Meanwhile poor old King Henry had a change of heart and wanting to enter the Kingdom of God when he died went into supplification to the "Ecclisastics" and hence the Treaty of Clarendon paying a countless sum of gold duckets no doubt to the Pope!
Well today that we have is no Godly sin, it is merely to be replaced by a carbon penitence (sin) and the paying will be to Obama and Gore plus PM despot Broon in London and those poxy faceless Eurocrats in Brussels--PM Wen Jiboiu must be laughing in his sleep! The rich get richer and the poorer! Well you know the rest! :evil:
p.s Oh by the way that's not to say we should stop looking for less polluting machinery far from it, but let's have some common sense of our forebears!D

any differences

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:35 am
by krick3tt
Hear hear!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:48 pm
by lindenengineering
Morris and viewers
Take in this little lot!