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Any Pinzgauers out in the blizzard?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:43 pm
by pinzinator
Have any Pinzgauer owners ventured out into the blizzard that has hit the Eastern USA? I'm sure you would be as popular as a rock star right now in most areas!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:58 pm
by audiocontr
Been out everyday

The majority started Friday. Drove a little but decided to stay in. Saturday, started at noon picking up 5 buddies. We drove around for a while, then picked up 3 girls and another couple. Packed the truck full!!! We listened to old school rap as we drove all over Arlington Va. Lots of attention, lots of photos on Facebook and a GREAT time from restaurant to restaurant.

There was not a time i couldnt get myself out of 3 feet of snow!

The same thing has been going on since Saturday. Out every day, grabbing friends who are snowed in, going sledding, shopping, whatever it takes.

On the bad side, i'm sure rust is gonna pop up. I smacked a tree putting a small dent in the grill under the Pinz emblem, broke off the passenger mirror, busted the D ring off of the side leather straps and cracked the dog house! All and all, well worth it!

Now if I could only sell my 710 for a 712, i could carry 4 more people!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:05 pm
by pinzinator
Please post a few good pictures!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:44 pm
by springhill
No pictures of recent snows, but have some from years past!
I prefer the mog in snow!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:39 pm
by Pinz Enthusiast
You mean that little dusting they got back there, I never heard so much bellyaching about 36" of snow in all my life, we beat their snowfall by more than 2 feet, had all roads into and out of the valley closed with either avalanches or clogged with stuck/wrecked cars and trucks, our chain restrictions were R3 meaning everybody chains up all drive axles no exceptions, by the time roads were opened 5 days later the town was down to 10,000 gallons of fuel and the grocery stores shelves were almost bare, also no mail service what so ever, but we took it in stride, I took the pinz out every day and night and cruzed the main streets pulling out stuck flatlanders, some paid me others didnt, but we had a great time, visibility was down to less than 50 feet or less at times and power went out every time a tree fell across power lines (thank god we have a large generator) , we did get another foot a few weeks later and are expecting another foot this weekend, all in all close to 9 feet in less than 6 weeks, I do have a few pics and will post them later when I get a chance to resize them all.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:18 pm
by Erik712m
Not to change the subject. John what kind of wear have you seen carring the heavy loads.